Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have a 5 Phase Process
    • Phase I – Culture/Position Discovery
    • Phase II – Research Market Comps and Initial Candidate Pool
    • Phase III – Differentiate You in the Market
    • Phase IV – Actively Manage & Adapt Strategy
    • Phase V – Advance Your Evaluation Process
  • Phases I – II – Nobody else in recruiting puts out the effort we do to know you and your opportunity and that really pays off in phases III – V.
  • Phases III – V – We created best-in-class messaging and then work transparently throughout the process as your partner to keep you in the loop until we successfully attract and make the right hire. 

No, here’s why we’re different…

#1 – Earned Project Fee

  • The industry automatically charges the worst-case scenario of 20% or more to make sure they always make money at your expense.
  • In contrast, we earn our fee and split the savings with you!

#2 The Most comprehensive Hiring Solution

  • We remove the conflict of interest that commission-based recruiters have, so we can offer more comprehensive and complete hiring solutions. This leads to better outcomes and greater value to you.
  • We start with a more thorough discovery process to ensure we pinpoint what’s needed culturally and positionally so we can attract and select the right candidates.
  • Hiring the right person is much easier and more predictable with our multi-stage process that includes culture and comprehensive individual assessments, certified behavioral interviewing, and reference checks that read like a biography.

#3 Successful Project Completion Guaranteed

  • Traditional recruiters require you to sign their contract, but they don’t reciprocate by committing to see your project through if it proves challenging.
  • If we take your project on, we’ll see it through to successful completion.
  • And we stand behind our hires with a 6-month guarantee.

Yes, we offer a 6-month guarantee.

We manage hires from $17/hour to well into the mid 6-figures with solutions tailored to the level of hire.

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